Health Awareness Classes at Gyan Shikha Boarding High School, Natole, Pulchowk
A series of health awareness classes were conducted at Gyan Shikha Boarding High School, Natole, Pulchowk from Aug 4, 2019 to September 22, 2019. The classes are given to students by health professional and social worker. The main objectives of conducting health awareness classes was to create momentum to take action to improve the health and well-being of school going children and especially to aware children who are illiterate on various aspects of preventive healthcare measures. The overall goal of this project will help students in understanding importance, mitigation measures, policies, subsidies and challenges of physical, mental, social, public, community, women’s, men’s, child, adolescent, sexual and reproductive, oral, environment, and emergency.
The health topic includes Oral and Eye Care, Mensturation Hygiene, Sexual Health, Basic First Aid (Theory and Practical), Mental Health and Dental Care (Pratical). It was total 10:05 am to 10:45 am class. The class was held on every Sunday from August 4, 2019 to September 22, 2019. We succeeded in educating approximately 391 students.
Our Team
Barsha Poudel, Dr. Ekraj Dahal, Nu. Neela Maharjan