Free Health Check Up at SOS Children Village (SOS CV), Sanothimi Bhaktapur
A free health checkup program was organized for the entire children, mother and staff of SOS Village Sanothimi, Bhaktapur on September 28, 2018. Medical doctors examined the patients. The program started at 10 am and closed at 4 pm. 118 individual were checked which included children, mother and staff. Our goal was to focus on providing free medical care, integrated primary health care system, increase the focus on health promotion and prevention, screening, and early intervention, and improve overall health conditions.
The activities performed in the health check up were
- General checkup and medicine distribution.
- Assessment of body measurement index, height, weight, blood pressure, sugar, and temperature.
- Discussion about medical history, diet and exercise habits and any tobacco, drug, and alcohol use.
- Discussion about depression and stress to evaluate mental health
- Discussion depending on age and sexual lifestyle
Our team
Dr. Anish Mali, Barsha Poudel, Dr. Ekraj Dahal, Dr. Dhiren Mouni, Nu. Neela Maharjan, and Nu. Saraswoti Shrestha